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Main Points of This Article:

  • What is a squeeze page
  • The power of a list
  • Squeeze page format basics
  • High conversion squeeze page examples

The Squeeze Page and Its Importance in Affiliate Marketing

Suppose for a moment that you have a blog with an affiliate link to a site such as Amazon.com or an eBook on Clickbank.com. You get commissions on each sale made though your link. However, you do not know who your buyers are, just the commission you made each month from their purchases. In this scenario you are making money, but you are only making it once from your customers, and you do not really know who your customers are, although your affiliate does.

Now, suppose for a moment that you added a website in the middle of your blog and the affiliate website. On this website page you ask people to enter their name and e-mail information in exchange for a free item or newsletter, and then you forward them on to Amazon.com or clickbank.com website. In this scenario you are making the same amount of money; however, you also now have contact information for each of your paying customers.

The first example is a decent way to generate income online - once. The second example is a way to generate the same income online, and be able to do it again and again. The second example is to show you the power of a squeeze page. That page you “squeeze” in between you and your affiliate to allow you to collect some basic information on your customers and build a list.

Building Your List

Anyone who is serious about any form of internet marketing knows that the power of the business is in the list. By always directing your customers to a squeeze page, you allow yourself the ability to build a list of customers. If you link directly to your affiliate site, then you are helping them to build their list, but missing out on your opportunity to build your own! You want the ability to send messages to your customers and recommend products to them; you do this by building and maintaining your lists generated by your squeeze pages.

Formatting Your Squeeze Page for Maximum Opt-In

Squeeze pages are very simple to create and do not need to be complex. They should contain simple information about your niche and request people give you their name and e-mail in exchange for you giving them something of value – generally an e-newsletter or downloadable free item.

You will want to put your opt-in box on the right hand side of your squeeze page, and have a call to action asking people to enter their information. You will also want it to be “above the fold” as in seen without having to scroll down on the page. This allows everyone who lands on your squeeze page to see it.

The format of your squeeze page can make or break your conversion rates. Try testing and tracking how different things on your page convert for you and tweak things a bit and then retest. Some things you can change include:

  • Headlines
  • Text
  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Location of opt-in fields

Some of the best squeeze pages online are listed below to give you some ideas for options and wording for your own squeeze pages. Don’t try to re-create the wheel, use the ideas of those which work and adapt them to your own niche.






Final Thoughts

Sending all of your potential customers to a squeeze page is the best way that you have to build a great customer list. By building your list, and maintaining it through periodic content and product review messages, you can generate more sales to those same customers who have already purchased from you. If you do not generate a list then you do not have a sustainable internet marketing business.

Affiliate Command Center 30/116 Shirley Rd
Wollstonecraft NSW 2065
Sydney, Australia
Ph: 612-9460-8098



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